2021 NZAGA Growers’ Awards – Postponed

The Charthouse 72c Keith Allen Drive, Tauranga, New Zealand

This event has been postponed until further notice due to COVID-19 restrictions. Join us at the 2021 NZAGA Growers' Awards event to recognise excellence and celebrate the success of growers throughout the industry who have achieved productivity goals throughout the 2020-21 season. Don't miss out on the chance to network with your fellow growers at […]


NZAGA Annual General Meeting – 24 August 2023

Tauranga Yacht Club 90 Keith Allen Drive, Tauranga, New Zealand

The 42nd Annual General Meeting will be held at 9.30am on Thursday 24 August at Tauranga Yacht and Power Boat Club. Registrations are open. Please use the form below to register. The AGM will be a combination of a virtual and in-person event. For those attending in person, the AGM will be held at the […]


NZAGA Annual General Meeting – 28 August 2024

Mercury Baypark 81 Truman Lane Mount Maunganui, 3175

The 43rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the NZ Avocado Growers’ Association Inc. (NZAGA) will be held at 2.30pm on Wednesday 28 August, 2024.  The AGM will be a combination of a virtual and in-person event. For those attending in-person, the AGM will be held at the Mercury Baypark, 81 Truman Lane, Mount Maunganui 3152. […]

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