Export registrations for the 2024-25 season are open

Earlybird pricing closes 1 September 2024. Registration fees can be found here.

To register please login to the Avo hub here and follow the instructions below.

As an export grower you need to register with NZ Avocado each year before you harvest avocados for export.

If you are a NZ Avocado registered grower, you will be sent notification to register for export at the end of June each year. If you are a new grower who is interested in exporting, please contact your packhouse or NZ Avocado for more information.

It is important that export registration is completed by the 31st of August each year, as the information collected is collated and used to estimate the size of the crop for the coming season. Accurate crop estimating enables good marketing which leads to increased grower returns.

Export registration requires a fee payment. Export registration and export management fee income is used to fund governance of the Recognised Product Group, and work on quality performance, enabling exports, knowledge acquisition and information management, new varieties, new market development, market reliability and reputation, meeting market expectations, and assuring market access.

It is important to note that if you are not registered for export with NZ Avocado then your fruit will not be allowed to leave the country.

If you are having issues logging into Avo hub, please see below:

  1. If you have logged into Avo hub or the industry website before, enter in your username and password. Usernames are in the following format: firstname.lastname.
  2. For first time users entering Avo hub, a password will need to be set for your account. Select ‘Forgot Password?’ to do this. Enter your default username (firstname.lastname) and click ‘Reset my password’.
  3. You will be sent an email with a link to reset your password. The link will open to a secure screen where you can enter and confirm your chosen password and click ‘Reset password’. If you do not receive this email please contact NZ Avocado – (07) 571 6147 or info@nzavocado.co.nz.
  1. Once successfully logged into Avo hub, you can update your contact details and begin export registration.