Bay of Plenty pruning and canopy management workshop

Jen Scoular and Bob Suttons orchard, 1881 State Highway 29, Lower Kaimai, Tauranga Jen Scoular and Bob Suttons orchard, 1881 State Highway 29, Lower Kaimai, Tauranga

Date: Wednesday 26th May Time: 1.00pm - 3.00pm Venue: Jen Scoular and Bob Suttons orchard, 1881 State Highway 29, Lower Kaimai, Tauranga NZ Avocado invites you to join us at a Pruning and canopy management workshop in Tauranga at Jen Scoular and Bob Suttons orchard. The work shop will cover aspects of canopy management including: Key […]


Te Puke pruning and canopy management workshop

Bailey's orchard 764 Rangiuru Rd, Rangiuru

Date: Thursday 27th May Time: 1.00pm - 3.00pm Venue: NZ Avocado research block, Baileys orchard, 764 Rangiuru Rd, Rangiuru, Te Puke NZ Avocado invites you to join us at a Pruning and canopy management workshop in Te Puke at NZ Avocado’s Research block on Ron and Shirley Bailey’s orchard. The work shop will cover aspects of […]


NZAGA roadshow event: Far North Wednesday 2 June 2021

Houhora big game and sports fishing club, 4036 Far North Rd, Pukenui Houhora big game and sports fishing club, 4036 Far North Rd, Pukenui, New Zealand

New Zealand Avocado Growers' Association Inc invites you to join us at the upcoming NZAGA roadshow event in Northland. This event has been rescheduled following the previously postponed event. Come along and join NZAGA Chair Linda Flegg, and NZ Avocado CEO Jen Scoular  to hear the latest about the industry review, end of season results, […]


Far North pruning and canopy management workshop

Seeka's Rising East orchard 54 Norton Rd, Waiharara, Far North

Date: Wednesday 9 June 2021 Time: 1.00pm - 3.00pm Venue: Seeka's Rising East orchard, 54 Norton Rd, Waiharara, Far North NZ Avocado invites you to join us at a pruning and canopy management workshop in the Far North. The work shop will cover aspects of canopy management including: Key considerations to inform how to prune […]


Whangarei pruning and canopy management workshop

Philip and Sonia Elliot's orchard 102 Cemetery Rd, Maunu, Whangarei

Date: Thursday 10 June Time: 1.00pm - 3.00pm Venue: Philip and Sonia Elliot's orchard, 102 Cemetery Road, Maunu, Whangarei NZ Avocado invites you to join us at a pruning and canopy management workshop in Whangarei. The work shop will cover aspects of canopy management including: Key considerations to inform how to prune your trees. Common […]


Replacement of the Resource Management Act (RMA) update event

Online via Zoom , New Zealand

Replacement to the Resource Management Act (RMA) – industry feedback NZ Avocado along with Horticulture New Zealand will provide an update to avocado stakeholders on Tuesday 20th July at 10:40am. This online and in-person workshop will provide an opportunity for growers to ask questions and give feedback on the reforms underway. We have limited space […]


Online morning tea with John Tyas, CEO of Avocados Australia

Zoom , New Zealand

Join NZ Avocado online on Thursday 29 July 2021 at 10.00am for a 20 minute zoom morning tea event. We will be joined by John Tyas, CEO of Avocados Australia  who is available to speak with us to discuss his view on the Australian market from now until Christmas. Register below to attend this online […]


Meet the candidates – Whangarei 3 August 2021

The Barge Showgrounds, 474 Maunu Road, Maunu, Whangārei 0179 474 Maunu Road, Maunu, Whangārei 0179, Maunu, Whangarei, New Zealand

Over the next month, voters will have the opportunity to meet the candidates for the Mid North position for the NZAGA Board, before casting a vote. Events are being hosted in Whangarei to give growers the opportunity to meet all three candidates, and to learn more about the skills and capabilities they could offer as […]


2021 NZAGA Growers’ Awards – Postponed

The Charthouse 72c Keith Allen Drive, Tauranga, New Zealand

This event has been postponed until further notice due to COVID-19 restrictions. Join us at the 2021 NZAGA Growers' Awards event to recognise excellence and celebrate the success of growers throughout the industry who have achieved productivity goals throughout the 2020-21 season. Don't miss out on the chance to network with your fellow growers at […]


Online morning tea

Zoom , New Zealand

Join NZ Avocado online on Thursday 30 September 2021 at 10.00am for a 20 minute zoom morning tea event. As the season progresses we are learning more about the challenges of shipping a significant increase in New Zealand avocado export volumes to markets across Asia. One initiative being undertaken to support exporters to grow volumes […]


Industry structure review recommendations webinar

Zoom , New Zealand

An avocado industry structure review has been ongoing since 2020. The board has reviewed recommendations from the facilitators of this review and have agreed a pathway forward, to present to growers. The Chair will present the board’s recommendations from the Industry Structure Review on this webinar. Any recommendations will need to be voted on by […]


Online growers forum – Productivity webinar

Zoom , New Zealand

NZ Avocado will host an series of Grower forum webinars to share with growers the activities NZ Avocado undertake to support the industry. Join Phillip West, Research Manager, NZ Avocado on Friday 22nd October from 10:00am – 11:00am to hear an update on research relating to orchard productivity. The webinar will include: Innovative growing systems […]


Online Grower drop-in session- Friday 12pm 

For more information click here