Far North grower meeting

Hauhora Big Game and Sports Fishing Club 4126 Far North Road, Pukenui, New Zealand

Please join Alistair Nicholson, your local representative, and other members of the NZ Avocado Board on Wednesday at the Houhora Big Game and Sports Fishing Club. The board is visiting local orchards during the day and is keen to meet as many of you as they can, for a chat and a drink. Please register […]


Soil health workshop with Dr Ash Martin

Katikati Community Centre 45 Beach Road, Katikati, New Zealand

NZ Avocado is pleased to host Dr Ash Martin in Katikati for a soil health workshop on Friday 28 June 2019. This free workshop is a great opportunity for growers to learn about the transition to soil health programme, which will help growers understand: What soil health is Identify the constraints to soil health on […]


Packhouse pre-season meeting: Kerikeri

Orangewood packhouse 311 Kapiro Road, RD1, Kerikeri, New Zealand

Please join us at the packhouse pre-season meeting.   Venue: Orangewood Packhouse, 311 Kapiro Road, RD1, Kerikeri   Please register your attendance using the form below


Packhouse pre-season meeting: Bay of Plenty

Trevelyans Pack and Cool No 1 Road, Te Puke, New Zealand

Please join us at the packhouse pre-season meeting.   Location: Trevelyans Pack and Cool No 1 Road Te Puke   It is imperative that you register your attendance using the below form. Everyone who is attending must register.


Packhouse pre-season meeting: BOP and Auckland

Eastpack Marshall Road, Katikati, New Zealand

Please join us at the packhouse pre-season meeting.   Venue: Eastpack, Marshall Road, Katikati   It is imperative that you register your attendance using the below form. Everyone who is attending must register.


Contract harvester pre-season meeting

Katikati Resource Centre 45 Beach Road, Katikati, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

Contract harvesters are invited to a pre-season meeting to discuss and seek feedback on: Industry Best Practice harvest guidelines Harvest and postharvest management impact on quality The impact of harvesting and its role in the quality story Grower/harvester relationship For any questions please contact Sarah Sorensen  - sarah.sorensen@nzavocado.co.nz Please register your attendance using the form below […]


Meet the candidates – Whangarei


The NZ Avocado Board will host a “Meet the Candidates” meeting in Whangarei on Monday 29 July at Number 8 Restaurant and Bar. Please join us and meet John, Karen, Mike and Roger who have put their names forward for the two Grower Representative position on the NZ Avocado Board. Please register your attendance using […]


Field day: Omokoroa orchard, 6 August

61 Prole Road 61 Prole Road, Omokoroa, New Zealand

NZ Avocado invites you to join us at Roy and Helen Orlowski’s orchard in Omokoroa, Bay of Plenty. An industry update will be provided followed by an orchard walk to ask questions of the NZ Avocado team and discuss technical information relevant to this time of year and the upcoming spring. When completing the registration for […]


Field day: Kaimai Range, 16 August

1881 State Highway 29 1881 State Highway 29, Tauranga, New Zealand

Come and meet NZ Avocado CEO Jen Scoular at her “orchard” in the Kaimais. Five years ago, Jen recognised she needed to know more about growing avocados than she learnt from behind her desk. At the time, trees were in very short supply, so she started her “orchard” with 50 trees Ashby Whitehead had grafted himself, […]


Safe travel to World Avocado Congress

NZ Avocado Level 5, Harrington House, 32 Harington Street, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

The World Avocado Congress takes place in Medellin, Colombia from 23-27 September 2019. On Tuesday 3 September, a video conference briefing will be delivered from the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise team based in Colombia for all New Zealanders travelling to Congress. The briefing will cover safe travel in Colombia, information about the venue, and the […]


World Avocado Congress – Colombia

Medillin, Colombia , Colombia

Join NZ Avocado and fellow growers at the 2019 World Avocado Congress in Colombia. World Avocado Congress: 24-26 September  2019 Avotours will be available on dates either side of the congress event. The date and costs of Avotours are yet to be confirmed. Location: Medellin, Colombia The World Avocado Congress offers a unique opportunity to […]

Field day: Katikati orchard, 17th October 2019

1C Stokes Road, Katikati 1C Stokes Road, Katikati, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

NZ Avocado invites you to join us at Barbara and Wilson McGillivray’s orchard in Katikati, Bay of Plenty. An industry update will be provided followed by an orchard walk to ask questions of the NZ Avocado team and discuss technical information relevant to this time of year. Plant and Food Research Scientist Nicola Mauchline will share […]

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