Top grower characterisation and case studies

Background and introduction

Orchards acheiving a 4-year average yield of 15t/ha or greater in the 2017-21 seasons

This project was focused on learning from our most successful growers and sharing key management practices with our grower membership. It had two aspects;

  • The first was producing case studies from top growers in the different regions so growers can see how these growers combine different management practices on their orchards to acheive yields in excess of 15t/ha. These can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • The second is to collect management information from as many orchards as possible to to see if there are some management practices that are more common among higher yielding orchards.

105 orchards across the country acheived 4 year average yields of 15t/ha or greater up to the 2020-21 season. 82 in the Bay of Plenty, 7 in the Mid North, 14 in the Far North and 2 in the Rest of New Zealand.

Below graphs compares the orchard managment practices of all survey repondents to growers acheiving greater than 15t/ha

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