Maturity testing requirements

Eurofins early season maturity testing service for New Zealand market avocados in 2024 commences 6 May. Contact your packer to book a maturity clearance test.

Eurofins will provide avocado collection services initially 2 days per week on Mondays and Wednesdays. Collection and testing services will increase as seasonal demand dictates. 

NZ Avocado will cover the cost of New Zealand market early season maturity collection and testing by Eurofins until 31 July 2024, for tests that pass the requirements outlined below. NZ Avocado will cover the cost of one domestic market pass per maturity clearance area only. 

NZ Avocado will cover the cost of export maturity collection and testing by Eurofins until blanket clearance is given, for tests that pass the requirements outlined below. 
Requirements for passed clearance:

  • Minimum average dry matter across sample must be 23 percent for local market and 24 percent for export markets. Refer to Part 8 of the Quality Manual for more information.
  • Sample size to be:
    • A minimum sample size of 20 fruit per maturity clearance area.
    • Multiple maturity clearance areas are required for orchards greater than five hectares (details below).
  • Minimum of 18 out of 20 fruit sampled must be equal to or above 20.8 per cent dry matter.
  • Fruit must be independently collected
  • Ethylene ripening to be applied to all fruit for early season local market.

Testing costs

For tests that do not meet the requirements for NZ market clearance, the cost will be invoiced to the grower. Eurofins avocado maturity clearance collection and testing costs for 2024 are as follows:

Maturity Clearance Areas

– Maturity areas should be representative in terms of tree age and fruit size of the blocks to be harvested.
– Where there is considerable variation in tree age between blocks these should be defined as separate maturity areas.
– The maturity clearance will only apply to fruit in blocks defined under a particular maturity area.
– There is no maximum size for a single maturity clearance area. 

Minimum maturity clearance areas per orchard are as follows:

The orchard can be divided into more maturity clearance areas – the above is the minimum requirement for an orchard.

To request a maturity test click here