Online growers forum – Productivity webinar

Zoom , New Zealand

NZ Avocado will host an series of Grower forum webinars to share with growers the activities NZ Avocado undertake to support the industry. Join Phillip West, Research Manager, NZ Avocado on Friday 22nd October from 10:00am – 11:00am to hear an update on research relating to orchard productivity. The webinar will include: Innovative growing systems […]


Avocado industry in Northland workshops

Online , New Zealand

NZ Avocado, as the industry body, intends to enable and support successful avocado industry growth. Significant investment has been made into avocados over the past five to ten years, with the largest developments in Northland. Northland is a region being highlighted by the NZ government, through MPI, as a region of focus, at the same […]


Soil moisture & irrigation management webinar

Zoom , New Zealand

NZ Avocado will host a soil moisture/irrigation management webinar on Thursday 28th October running from 10:00am – 11:00am. Topics covered will help growers understand how their soil influences their soil moisture management, provide practical steps to work out a soil moisture balance and answer such questions as; how do I know how much moisture my […]


Fungal Management on Orchard zoom morning tea

Zoom , New Zealand

NZ Avocado invites you to join us for Fungal Management on Orchard zoom morning tea with plant pathologist Dr Liz Dann, The University of Queensland and NZ Avocado Industry Systems Manager, Glenys Parton on Thursday 4th November 11-11.30am. Topics covered will help growers understand fundamental principles of good fungal management on orchard and identify early […]


Online growers forum – On orchard quality projects

Zoom , New Zealand

NZ Avocado will host an series of Grower forum webinars to share with growers the activities NZ Avocado undertake to support the industry. Join Sarah Sorensen, Sustainability Manager at NZ Avocado, online on Thursday 18th November from 10:00am – 11:00am to hear an update on orchard quality projects. The webinar will include updates on the […]


Avocado Growers Christmas morning tea – on orchard

Maria & Andrew Watchorns orchard, 99 Walker Road East, Aongatete, Katikati 99 Walker Road East, Aongatete, Katikati

NZ Avocado understand that it has been a challenging year for many, and with Covid-19 restrictions in place, many in-person events have been postponed or cancelled. Come along and enjoy some Christmas cheer by joining your fellow growers on the orchard at Maria and Andrew Watchorn's place for a get-together on Thursday 25 November 2021.   Date: […]


Online growers forum – Sustainability projects

Zoom , New Zealand

NZ Avocado will host an series of grower forum webinars to share with growers the activities NZ Avocado undertake to support the industry. Join Brad Siebert, Biosecurity & Programme Manager from NZ Avocado, online on Thursday 2nd December from 10:00am – 11:00am to hear an update on sustainability projects and resource management. Representatives from the […]


Postponed: Leafroller mating disruption for pest management on orchard zoom morning tea

Zoom , New Zealand

Postponed until the New Year NZ Avocado invites you to join us for a zoom morning tea on Leafroller mating disruption for pest management on orchard with Nicola Mauchline from Plant and Food Research and George Follas from UPL on Thursday 9th December at 10.00am – 10.30am. Topics covered will include: Research findings to date […]


Katikati community meeting

The Centre - Pātuki Manawa, 21 Main Rd, Katikati 21 Main Road, KatiKati

Due to a low number of registrations this event has been cancelled. If you would like to discuss Katch Katikati’s plan’s for Katikati avocado capital, please feel free to contact Katch Katikati Promotions Manager Jacqui Knight directly, Katch Katikati are an events, promotions and community development organisation for Katikati. Katch Katikati have been working […]


Mental Wellbeing by Design – Dr. Hillary Bennett

Online via Zoom , New Zealand

ShopCare is excited to host Dr Hillary Bennett for this much needed and informative webinar on ‘Mental Wellbeing by Design’. In her presentation Hillary will discuss the characteristics of mental wellbeing and the implications of these for preventing and protecting in a workplace. She will provide an overview of the CEO Forum’s Mental Health at […]

Webinar: Orchard and grower health for sustainable high yields of quality fruit

NZ Avocado will host an orchard health webinar on Wednesday 18th May running from 10:00am – 11:00am. Topics covered will help growers understand how root and tree health relates to yield and fruit quality and what can be done to identify and mitigate challenges. The webinar will also have representatives from the Rural Support Trust […]

Field day: Far North – Houhora

Rose Lightfoot and Jake Jacobsen's orchard 65 Turk Valley Road, Houhora, New Zealand

NZ Avocado invites you to join us at a field day in Houhora. The event will be held on Tuesday 24 May 2022 from 10.00am – 12.00pm at Rose Lightfoot and Jake Jacobsen's orchard - 65 Turk Valley Road, Houhora. The field day will cover the topics of tree health and autumn pruning and how they support […]

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