Alison Matthews six-spotted mite research – online webinar

Online webinar , New Zealand

Alison Mathews is a research scientist in the Horticulture & Irrigated Agriculture division of the Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) based at Manjimup in Western Australia. Alison is currently leading a project on six-spotted mites in Western Australian avocados funded by Horticulture Innovation Australia. The aim of the project is […]


Practical tips to get the most out of your irrigation: Katikati, 25 November 2022

Fred and Gillian Willis’s orchard, 171 Walker Road East, Katikati.

NZ Avocado and Apata invites you to join us to cover some practical tips to manage your irrigation on Friday, 25 November 2022 from 10.00pm – 12.00pm at Fred and Gill Willis’s orchard, 171 Walker Road East, Katikati. Irrigation and soil moisture management is playing an increasing role in orchard management and has a big influence […]

Practical tips to get the most out of your irrigation: Te Puke, 2 December 2022

Laura Schultz orchard, 630 Rangiuru Rd, Te Puke.

NZ Avocado and Trevelyan’s invites you to join us for a workshop on 2 Dec 2022 from 1.00pm – 3.00pm at Laura Schultz orchard, 630 Rangiuru Rd, Te Puke. Irrigation and soil moisture management is playing an increasing role in orchard management and has a big influence on your orchard performance. Come, see, hear and participate in […]

Trialling growing avocados on wire: Katikati, 6 December 2022

Frank and Coryl Baggenstos’ orchard 21b Hayward Rd, Whakamarama 21b Hayward Road, Whakamarama, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

Come and learn about different production systems for growing avocados. NZ Avocado invites you to join us on Frank and Coryl Baggenstos’ orchard to look at some trials of growing avocado trees on wire on Tuesday, 6 December 2022 from 1.00pm – 3.00pm at 21b Hayward Rd, Whakamarama. Growers are not short of challenges at […]


Irrigation & soil moisture management workshop: Houhora, 15 December 2022

Cracklin Rosie orchard, 168 Heath Rd, Waiharara, Northland. 168 Heath Road, Waiharara, Northland, New Zealand

NZ Avocado and Seeka invites you to join us for a workshop on 15 December 2022 from 12.30pm – 2.30pm at Cracklin Rosie orchard, 168 Heath Rd, Waiharara, Northland. Irrigation and soil moisture management is critical to orchard performance. Come see, hear and participate in some practical activities to understand how to get the most […]


Northland spray rule changes – upcoming meeting

Online Zoom Meeting , New Zealand

Spray rules in Northland have changed. These changes are now being enforced and both growers and spray contractors  need to be aware of the details and impact (more information was recently communicated in Avoconnect, click here to read). A meeting is being held with Northland Regional Council staff in February to help clarify the new […]


NZAGA roadshows – Wednesday 8 February 2023, Houhora

86 Hukatere road, Pukenui, 0484

Throughout February 2023, NZ Avocado are hosting a series of grower roadshows in Northland and the Bay of Plenty as part of the consultation process for potential changes proposed to the NZAGA rules. This is a chance for growers to give feedback and discuss the proposed changes with the Executive in preparation for the Special […]


NZAGA roadshows – Thursday 9 February, Whangarei

Barge Showgrounds, 474 Maunu Road, Whangarei, New Zealand Barge Showgrounds, 474 Maunu Road, Whangarei, New Zealand, New Zealand

Throughout February 2023, NZ Avocado are hosting a series of grower roadshows in Northland and the Bay of Plenty as part of the consultation process for potential changes proposed to the NZAGA rules. This is a chance for growers to give feedback and discuss the proposed changes with the Executive in preparation for the Special […]


NZAGA roadshows – Friday 10 February, South Auckland

Estuary Orchard, 310 Right road, Waiau Pa, Pukekohe 2679

Throughout February 2023, NZ Avocado are hosting a series of grower roadshows in Northland and the Bay of Plenty as part of the consultation process for potential changes proposed to the NZAGA rules. This is a chance for growers to give feedback and discuss the proposed changes with the Executive in preparation for the Special […]


NZAGA roadshows – Wednesday 15 February, Katikati

St Paul’s Church, Corner Main Road and Mulgan Street, Katikati, 3116 St Paul’s Church, Corner Main Road and Mulgan Street, Katikati, 3116

Throughout February 2023, NZ Avocado are hosting a series of grower roadshows in Northland and the Bay of Plenty as part of the consultation process for potential changes proposed to the NZAGA rules. This is a chance for growers to give feedback and discuss the proposed changes with the Executive in preparation for the Special […]


NZAGA roadshows – Thursday 16 February, Te Puke

The Orchard Church, 20 Macloughlin Drive, Te Puke 3119 The Orchard Church, 20 Macloughlin Drive, Te Puke 3119

Throughout February 2023, NZ Avocado are hosting a series of grower roadshows in Northland and the Bay of Plenty as part of the consultation process for potential changes proposed to the NZAGA rules. This is a chance for growers to give feedback and discuss the proposed changes with the Executive in preparation for the Special […]


GLOBALG.A.P review – Zoom meeting

Online Zoom Meeting , New Zealand

In late 2022, New Zealand Avocado conducted a review into GLOBALG.A.P. which explored the structure, benefits and costs of the existing model. We now offer the opportunity to share and discuss these findings at a Zoom meeting, taking place Thursday 2 March at 5pm. Registrations are essential, please complete the form below to attend. This […]


Online Grower drop-in session- Friday 12pm 

For more information click here