Soil moisture management field day: Katikati, 15 November 2023

171 Walker Rd East, Katikati

NZ Avocado invites you to join us for a field day on Wednesday 15 November 2023 from 10.00am – 12.00pm at Fred and Gill Willis’s orchard, 171 Walker Rd East, Katikati. Fred and Gill have participated in fertiliser trials and a nutrient leaching trial is currently being run on the orchard. Several commercially available soil moisture monitoring […]


Soil moisture management field day: Te Puke, 16 November 2023

764 Rangiuru Road, Te Puke.

NZ Avocado invites you to join us for a field day on Thursday 16 November 2023 from 1.00pm – 3.00pm at Bailey’s orchard, 764 Rangiuru Road, Te Puke. The field day will be held in the trial block leased by NZ Avocado from the Bailey’s where there is a trellis growing trial next to the […]


Soil moisture management field day: Houhora, 29 November 2023

86 Hukatere Rd, Houhora

NZ Avocado invites you to join us for a field day on Wednesday 29 November 2023 from 1.00pm – 3.00pm at Hukatere Orchard Limited, 86 Hukatere Rd, Houhora. The orchard is managed by Just Avocados. Like many orchards in the region, trees on the property are showing signs of water stress as a result of […]


Soil moisture management field day: Whangarei, 30 November 2023

482 Mangakahia Road, Whangarei

NZ Avocado invites you to join us for a field day on Thursday 30 November 2023 from 10.00am – 12.00pm at Kelvin and Alison Gausel’s orchard, 482 Mangakahia Road, Whangarei. Kelvin has had a keen interest in soil moisture monitoring on their property and has put his electrical engineering expertise to good use to start to understand […]


Roadshow – Northland – Tuesday 2 April

Houhora big game and sports fishing club, 4036 Far North Rd, Pukenui Houhora big game and sports fishing club, 4036 Far North Rd, Pukenui, New Zealand

Throughout April 2024, NZ Avocado are hosting a series of grower roadshows in Northland, South Auckland, and the Bay of Plenty as part of the consultation process for potential changes proposed to the NZAGA rules. This is a chance for growers to give feedback and discuss the proposed changes with the Executive. At the roadshows, […]


Roadshow – Whangarei – Wednesday 3 April

Barge Showgrounds Events Centre, 474 Maunu Road, Maunu, Whangārei 0179

Throughout April 2024, NZ Avocado are hosting a series of grower roadshows in Northland, South Auckland, and the Bay of Plenty as part of the consultation process for potential changes proposed to the NZAGA rules. This is a chance for growers to give feedback and discuss the proposed changes with the Executive. At the roadshows, […]


Roadshow – South Auckland – Thursday 4 April

Waiau Pa Community Hall McKenzie Road & Waiau Pa Road, Clarks Beach, New Zealand

Throughout April 2024, NZ Avocado are hosting a series of grower roadshows in Northland, South Auckland, and the Bay of Plenty as part of the consultation process for potential changes proposed to the NZAGA rules. This is a chance for growers to give feedback and discuss the proposed changes with the Executive. At the roadshows, […]


Roadshow – Katikati – Thursday 4 April

St Paul’s Church, Corner Main Road and Mulgan Street, Katikati, 3116 St Paul’s Church, Corner Main Road and Mulgan Street, Katikati, 3116

Throughout April 2024, NZ Avocado are hosting a series of grower roadshows in Northland, South Auckland, and the Bay of Plenty as part of the consultation process for potential changes proposed to the NZAGA rules. This is a chance for growers to give feedback and discuss the proposed changes with the Executive. At the roadshows, […]


Field day: Far North, 11 June 2024

129 Burnage Road, Pukenui

NZ Avocado invites you to join us on Mervyn Evan’s orchard to discuss shelter as it relates to packout, recent drainage improvements and general orchard management to maximise efficiency and orchard returns. Tuesday, 11 June 2024 from 1.00pm – 3.00pm at 129 Burnage Road, Pukenui. Export packout has a key influence on orchard returns. Shelter and canopy […]


Field day: Mid North, 12 June 2024

427 Mangakahia Road, Whangarei

NZ Avocado invites you to join us on Deon Cartwright’s orchard to discuss how we can prune trees and shelter to maximise packouts and improve orchard efficiency.  We’ll also revisit the ground cover planting discussed at the previous field day in September 2023 to see if it helped with weed control and any other pros […]


Field day: Katikati, 19 June 2024

121 Walker Rd East, Katikati

NZ Avocado invites you to join us on Maria and Andrew Watchorn’s orchard to discuss how we can prune trees and shelter to maximise packouts and improve orchard efficiency.  Wednesday, 19 June 2024 from 10.00am – 12.00pm at 121 Walker Rd East, Katikati. Andrew and Maria’s orchard (along with others on Walker Rd East) benefit from […]


Webinar: Field day recap 10 July 2024

Online webinar , New Zealand

NZ Avocado invites you to join us for an online webinar summarising the recent round of fieldday events held in the Far North, Whangarei and Katikati, thank you to all of those who were able to attend. Each of the orchards visited were unique which provided an interesting background for some insightful discussions . The […]


Annual Export Marketing Strategy (EMS) and Quality standards reviews

- Call for submissions

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