New grower event

NZ Avocado Level 5, Harrington House, 32 Harington Street, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

NZ Avocado invites anyone new to avocados, recently registered avocado growers and those interested in growing avocados, to a new grower information evening. When: Thursday 7th March 2019 from 5pm-7pm Where: NZ Avocado offices, Level 5 Harrington House, 32 Harington Street, Tauranga This will be a great opportunity to: • Meet other growers who are new to the […]


Fruit quality meeting- Katikati

NZ Avocado invites you to a Fruit Quality meeting focusing on: Quality outcomes from this past season NZ Avocado quality projects Biosecurity Fruit fly response   When: Monday 11 March 2019 Time: 4.30pm - 6.30pm Address: St Paul's Presbyterian Hall, 1 Mulgan street, Katikati Please register your attendance using the form below


NZ Avocado Te Puke field day

Ngaupari Orchard Corner Ridell and No. 3 Road, Te Puke

NZ Avocado invites you to join us at an orchard owned by Ngaupari Orchard Limited and managed by Aongatete Avocados Ltd (AAL) where we will start with a 'back to basics' session and followed by a field day. When: Wednesday 13th March 2019 Time: 1.30pm “back to basics” followed by the main field day running […]

NZ Avocado Katikati field day

Frank Baggenstos' Orchard 21B Hayward Road, Whakamarama, New Zealand

NZ Avocado invites you to join us at Frank Baggenstos’ orchard for a 'back to basics' session and main field day. When: Tuesday 26th March 2019 Time: 12.30pm “back to basics” followed by the main field day running from 1pm – 3pm Address: Frank Baggenstos’ Orchard, 21B Hayward Road, Whakamarama The 'back to basics' event is […]

NZ Avocado Far North field day

Rising Star Orchard, 4015 Far North Road, Pukenui 4015 Far North Road, New Zealand

NZ Avocado invites you to join us at Rising Sun Orchard managed by Steve Matich and the Seeka team. When: Tuesday 9th April 2019 Time: 2pm – 4pm Address: Rising Star Orchard, 4015 Far North Road, Pukenui **Please note there has been an address change for this field day, the above address is the new […]


NZ Avocado Whangarei field day

120 Bint Road, Whangareu , New Zealand

NZ Avocado invites you to join us at Peter and Jackie Harding’s orchard in Whangarei. We we will start with a 'back to basics' session followed by the main field day. When: Friday 12th April 2019 Time: 1.30pm “back to basics” followed by the main field day running from 2pm – 4pm Address: Peter & Jackie […]


Far North grower meeting

Hauhora Big Game and Sports Fishing Club 4126 Far North Road, Pukenui, New Zealand

Please join Alistair Nicholson, your local representative, and other members of the NZ Avocado Board on Wednesday at the Houhora Big Game and Sports Fishing Club. The board is visiting local orchards during the day and is keen to meet as many of you as they can, for a chat and a drink. Please register […]


Soil health workshop with Dr Ash Martin

Katikati Community Centre 45 Beach Road, Katikati, New Zealand

NZ Avocado is pleased to host Dr Ash Martin in Katikati for a soil health workshop on Friday 28 June 2019. This free workshop is a great opportunity for growers to learn about the transition to soil health programme, which will help growers understand: What soil health is Identify the constraints to soil health on […]


Packhouse pre-season meeting: Kerikeri

Orangewood packhouse 311 Kapiro Road, RD1, Kerikeri, New Zealand

Please join us at the packhouse pre-season meeting.   Venue: Orangewood Packhouse, 311 Kapiro Road, RD1, Kerikeri   Please register your attendance using the form below


Packhouse pre-season meeting: Bay of Plenty

Trevelyans Pack and Cool No 1 Road, Te Puke, New Zealand

Please join us at the packhouse pre-season meeting.   Location: Trevelyans Pack and Cool No 1 Road Te Puke   It is imperative that you register your attendance using the below form. Everyone who is attending must register.


Packhouse pre-season meeting: BOP and Auckland

Eastpack Marshall Road, Katikati, New Zealand

Please join us at the packhouse pre-season meeting.   Venue: Eastpack, Marshall Road, Katikati   It is imperative that you register your attendance using the below form. Everyone who is attending must register.


Contract harvester pre-season meeting

Katikati Resource Centre 45 Beach Road, Katikati, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

Contract harvesters are invited to a pre-season meeting to discuss and seek feedback on: Industry Best Practice harvest guidelines Harvest and postharvest management impact on quality The impact of harvesting and its role in the quality story Grower/harvester relationship For any questions please contact Sarah Sorensen  - Please register your attendance using the form below […]


Online Grower drop-in session- Friday 12pm 

For more information click here