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AvoGreen training: Tauranga, 6 March 2025


Our next AvoGreen training in Tauranga will be held on Thursday 6 March 2025. Training is held at Omanawa Hall, 560 Omanawa Road, Omanawa 3171.

AvoGreen is a registered training programme for pest monitoring under the Ministry for Primary Industry, managed by NZ Avocado.

This will be a theory session followed by a practical session. Beginning at 9am and finishing 2.30 or 3pm.

What to bring:

-10X lens magnifying glass,
-glasses if you need them for close-up vision,
-orchard-appropriate footwear,
-jacket if it looks like rain.

The training program adheres to a predetermined timeline that should be observed. Following the theory session, you will be required to attend at least three practical sessions and pass 10 online multi-choice assessments (open book). As per clause 4 of the AvoGreen training terms and conditions, AvoLearn online assessments must be completed within four months from start date.

You can expect training to take a minimum of four months and up to 12 months due to seasonal presence of pests required to be identified.  There is a cost of $450 which includes the face to face training, online assessments, and 3 practical sessions.

Please note, that we require a minimum of four attendees to run the session.

If you have any questions, please contact avolearn@nzavocado.co.nz

If you wish to attend, please fill the form below to RSVP.



March 6
9:00 am - 3:00 pm


560 Omanawa Road, Omanawa 3171


NZ Avocado
07 571 6147
View Organiser Website
Roadshows are being held in February in Whangarei and Northland. For more information and to register see the event pages here