Any person growing avocados for commercial purposes in New Zealand may join NZ Avocado Growers’ Association Inc. (NZAGA).

As a member of NZAGA your details will be added to the industry database and you will receive all relevant industry information, including research publications, access to member only content on the website, access to the industry magazine AvoScene, the regular AvoConnect email newsletter and invitations to field days and other industry events.

Ordinary membership to NZAGA is created through the application and granting of a Property Identification Number (PPIN) for the orchard. There is a one-off charge for this PPIN – for change of ownership of $200 + GST ($230.00) or for a new application $500 + GST ($575.00).

This PPIN is used for traceability purposes and to keep historical data about your orchard. It is also required for use in voting processes at NZAGA annual general meetings, special general meetings and any industry postal ballots such as the election of regional Grower representatives and the six yearly renewal of the Commodity Levy order on avocados.

To apply for Grower registration (PPIN)

Please the online application form below. We will respond to applications within 10 working days.

Click here to complete the online PPIN application

The above application is used for the following reasons:

  1. Existing property with assigned PPIN: a change of ownership (COO) (The new property details and crop owner details required)
  2. New property: completely new orchards purchasing clonal trees from nursey for planting never previously registered with NZA (Property details and crop owner details required
  3. New property: completely new orchard with productive trees never previously registered with NZA (Property details and crop owner details required)
  4. Subdivision: an existing orchard has been divided and part of that original orchard is being sold (Existing property owner and crop owner remain with existing PPIN and new PPIN (property owner and crop owner) is generated for the subdivided and sold piece of the original property
  5. Crop Owner Lease/ Orchard Management: change of Crop Owner of existing property with assigned PPIN (Property owner remains the same but a crop owner is taking responsibility for the crop on that property)

For assistance with PPIN applications please contact

Download NZ AGA Rules here:


What is a PPIN?

Persea Property Identification Number (PPIN).
This PPIN is used for traceability purposes and to keep historical data about your orchard. It is also required for use in voting processes at NZAGA annual general meetings, special general meetings and any industry postal ballots such as the election of regional Grower representatives and the six yearly renewal of the Commodity Levy order on avocados.
There is a one-off charge for a PPIN. For a new application $500 + GST. Change of ownership $200 +GST.

How is the PPIN number assigned?

The P-PIN is a four digit number that is unique to a property as defined by its valuation number. A fifth digit will be added to indicate the grower/supplier of the fruit from the property, as this may be different from the owner.

What if I have multiple orchards?

If you have multiple valuation numbers, then a unique P-PIN will be randomly assigned to each valuation number.

What if I sell my property - or buy another one?

As the P-PIN is land based regardless of ownership, the P-PIN remains with the property.

NZ Avocado must be notified in writing about the change in ownership.

What happens if I subdivide my property?

When a property is subdivided and sold, a new valuation number is assigned to each portion of the property. The existing valuation number and P-PIN remain with a smaller portion of the original property and each new valuation number will be randomly allocated another P-PIN.

Do I advise any party of change of ownership?

All changes must be advised in writing to NZ Avocado

All memberships are provided at the discretion of NZ Avocado and are subject to review or change without notice. After completing your application you’ll be notified if your application has been approved.

Notice of copyright

© Copyright 2020 NZ Avocado Growers’ Association Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronically, mechanically, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any retrieval system of any nature, without the express written permission of the copyright holder and the publisher. An application for which shall be made to the publisher or copyright holder.



The information provided is to the best of our knowledge correct at the time of printing. The reader/user should treat this information as a guide. NZ Avocado Industry Ltd and NZ Avocado Growers’ Association Inc. shall not be liable for errors or omissions or for losses and other consequences resulting from this information.

Payments are non-refundable.

If you have any queries regarding memberships, subscription to the AvoScene magazine, or would like some further information please contact New Zealand Avocado