Grower export registration

All growers intending to export their fruit must register with NZ Avocado Industry Ltd annually, prior to their fruit being exported. Packhouses and Exporters must also register with NZ Avocado annually. Registration fees apply.

In order for avocados to be exported, the grower, pack house and exporter must all be registered with NZ Avocado Industry Ltd.

The Export Systems Fee and Export Registration fees fund the following list of activities:

  • Export and quality systems including operational research
  • Research projects and participation in other research programmes; e.g. PGP, MBIE
  • Biosecurity and market access
  • Governance
  • And other activity approved by the NZAIL Board


(i) For fresh avocados sold in the New Zealand market:

  • Commodity Levy:
    • 2.5% of the market value at the first point of sale

(ii) For fresh export volume:

  • 35 cents per tray Commodity Levy
  • 20 cents per tray Export systems fee

 (iii) For avocados exported for processing:

  • 35 cents per tray Commodity Levy
  • 10 cents per tray Export systems fee

 (iiii) No levy is charged on processed fruit sold in the New Zealand market.

Registration fees

For registration fees please click here


Click here to download a Commodity Levy form for avocados grown and sold in New Zealand for consumption as fresh fruit.